Integrative Psychotherapy
Low-Fee and Sliding Scale Counseling Centers in the Bay Area
Holos Institute: This low-fee therapy center has experienced interns who are oriented toward ecopsychology. They have offices in both San Francisco and Oakland.
Center for Somatic Psychotherapy: Low-fee counseling center staffed by somatics students from The California Institute of Integral Studies.
Integral Counseling Center: Low-fee counseling center staffed by CIIS students in the Integral Counseling Program.
Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy Resources
Ecology of Awakening: “Ecology of Awakening is designed to support a shift in consciousness: out of a sense of being a separate self, living on the Earth which is solely here as our resource, into a lived experience of being an inherent part of the 14 billion year unfolding that brought us forth.”
Animas Valley Institute: Animas Valley Institute, founded by Bill Plotkin in 1980 — offers multi-day immersions into the wilds of nature and psyche for the purpose of retrieving the unique, mysterious identity hidden in the soul-waters of each life. Animas originated and continues to evolve a contemporary Western, nature-based approach to the journey of soul initiation to our knowledge, the first of its kind.
Earthways: Earthways is committed to restoring relationship with the natural world by bringing people out into direct connection with the profound guidance of the wild earth.
Wilderness Reflections: Through direct, embodied, meaningful contact with wild nature, our rites of passage, education and training programs foster personal and professional transformation for teens, adults, professionals and organizations.”
School of Lost Borders: The School of Lost Borders offers vision fasts and rites of passage training which cultivate self-trust, responsibility, and understanding about ones' unique place within society and the natural world. Its programs provide guided opportunities, perspectives, teachings, and much needed self-reflection time in a non-judgmental yet challenging environment.
Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy Resources
Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind Roszak, Kanner, and Gomes.
Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind Chalquist and Buzzell.
Last Child in the Woods Richard Louve.
The Nature Principle Richard Louve.
Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and Technological Species Kahn and Hasbach.
Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche Bill Plotkin
Nature and the Human Soul Bill Plotkin.
Wired for Love Stan Tatkin.
Hold Me Tight Sue Johnson
A General Theory of Love Lewis, Aminin, and Lannon.
Passionate Marriage David Schnarch
How to be an Adult in Relationship David Richo
The Body Keeps the Score Bessel van der Kolk
8 Keys to Trauma Recovery Babette Rothschild
Waking the Tiger Peter Levine
The Gifts of Imperfection Brene Brown
Healing the Shame that Binds Us John Bradshaw
Self-Compassion Kristin Neff
Mindfulness and Neuroscience
Hardwiring Happiness Rick Hanson
Mindsight Dan Siegel
Radical Acceptance Tara Brach
Power of Now Ekhart Tolle
When Things Fall Apart Pema Chodron
Full Catastrophe Living John Kabbat- Zinn
Addiction and Recovery
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts Gabor Mate.
The Heart of Addiction Lance Dodes, M.D.
A Place Called Self Stephanie Brown
Staying Sober Terrance Gorski
Clean David Sheff
Healing Through the Dark Emotions Miriam Greenspan
The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Workbook
Food and Eating Disorders
Father Hunger Margo Maine
Mindful Eating Jan Chozen Bay
Women, Food, and God Geneen Roth
The Artist’s Way Julia Cameron
Flow Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi